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Science Library

Select resources to help you heal, uncover the root cause of disease and imbalance, and support a vibrant life.


Neuroveda Highlight

Featuring a chapter by our very own Dr. Ehrlich

1. FavoritesIf you're curious to get started with some fascinating scientific reads, start here. These articles and resources reflect our excitement for the history and evolution of science, medicine, and the human experience. 

2. Complex Health It’s been said to take upwards of seventeen years to get medical insight from bench to bedside, meaning to move our learning gleaned in the research lab to the interventions we recommend for an individual patient’s treatment plan. In this section of our Science Library, we present some of the modern thinking about some of these complex neuroimmune conditions (mast cell activation, small fiber neuropathy, dysautonomias like POTS, Ehlers Danlos Syndromes and other pain conditions, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, and others). This section also documents the scientific backing for interventions our clinic offers including plasmapheresis, stem cell therapy, vagal nerve stimulators and other treatments. 


Disjointed: Navigating the Diagnosis and Management of Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders by Paldeep Atal, Myles Koby and Jill Schofield & edited by Diana Jovin 

Hypermobility Without Tears by Jeannie DiBon - Podcast Guest 

The Parent's Roadmap to Autism by Emily Gutierrez, DNP 

Inflamed by Rupa Marya & Raj Patel

Symptomatic: The Symptom-Based Handbook for Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders edited by Clair A. Francomano, Alan J. Hakim, Lansdale G.S. Henderson, Fraser C. Henderson Sr. 

3. Ayurvedic, Chinese & Indigenous Systems of Medicine Chronic stress and complex health are not new to the human experience! These articles and resources review perspectives and approaches from multiple traditional medical systems (but especially Ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India). Learn here how humans have managed preventative health, specific diseases and emphasized mental clarity and longevity for thousands of years. 

4. Daily Medicine: Breathing, Eating, Sleeping, Eliminating, Moving We live in physical bodies that develop, function and evolve based on how our genes interact with our environment. Our closest environmental relationships are how we breathe, move, sleep and eat. These links share some of our favorite science about these fundamental daily activities and rituals. 


Inspiration Is the Major Regulator of Human CSF Flow by Steffi Dreha-Kulaczewski, Arun A. Joseph, Klaus-Dietmar Merboldt, Hans-Christoph Ludwig, Jutta Gärtner and Jens Frahm

5. Lifecycle Medicine: Fertility, Pregnancy, Parenting, Aging Well, Longevity Our lives trace an arc from birth until death, cradle to grave, with some physiologic predictability. These links highlight resources and insights from across the lifespan. 


 by Patty Wipfler & Tosha Schnore


The Geography of Sorrow: Francis Weller On Navigating Our Losses by Tim McKee

6. Medicine of the Mind & Making Meaning: Relationships, Rites of Passage, Psychedelics The most potent medicine is what we perceive, believe and how that directs our cellular behavior. Find here books, resources & articles that showcase the power of the mind, relationships, and mental health therapies including psychedelics, for deepening our human experience and achieving the goals of life. 

7. Role of Social, Political & Environmental Factors in Health Truthfully, about 80+% of our health destiny is determined by our zip code, pollution burden, economic status and the weight of oppression under which we work to live and breathe- and science knows this deeply. See here articles that clarify & document this reality.  

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Fax: 206.492.2003

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Address: 1700 Westlake Ave. N. Suite 100, 1st Floor - Seattle 98109


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Evenings, Weekends by Appointment

Land Acknowledgement       Neuroveda acknowledges that we occupy the traditional territories of the Duwamish and Coast Salish Peoples. This acknowledgment does not take the place of authentic relationships with Indigenous communities but serves as a step to honor the land we occupy. Please join us in supporting Real Rent Duwamish. - To acknowledge the territory you occupy, visit

Commitment to Antiracism       Neuroveda stands with those who fight hate, racism, and injustice. We choose to be actively antiracist, and to prioritize inclusion, diversity, equity, and access. We choose curiosity and critical thinking within our relationships as we work as agents of change within systems of influence.

©2024 with CAMBIO

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