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The Five Pillars of Brain Health: Simple Yet Powerful Strategies for a Stronger Mind

I’ve spent my entire career studying the brain. I own an integrative neurology, regenerative therapy, and longevity practice, where I merge modern medicine with holistic approaches to health. I’m a board-certified neurologist, an integrative medicine physician, an acupuncturist, and a nutritional expert. I’ve run marathons, survived brain surgery (my own!), and helped countless patients optimize their brain health. You could say the brain is a bit of an obsession of mine.

So, what does a brain expert do to keep their own mind sharp? What advice do I give my patients, my friends, and my family to help their brains thrive? Here are five essential, science-backed strategies that anyone can start today.


1. SLEEP: Your Brain’s Nightly Reset Button

If there’s one thing the brain absolutely can’t function without, it’s sleep. We humans evolved with the sun — waking with its rise and settling down as it sets. But in today’s world of artificial light and late-night Netflix binges, we’ve fallen out of sync with our natural circadian rhythm. And guess what? The brain suffers for it.

The Science:

Research shows that during sleep, the brain flushes out toxins that accumulate during the day. This process is crucial for memory consolidation and mood regulation. Studies also indicate that sleep deprivation is linked to increased risks of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Practical Tips to Improve Sleep:

  • Wind down with the sun: As the sun sets, begin signaling to your brain that it’s time to rest. Dim the lights, turn off screens, and create a calming evening ritual.

  • Evening routine: A hot bath, chamomile tea, and a brief meditation session can help ease the transition to sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t panic. Historically, humans had “two sleeps” and would wake in the night. Use this time for a brief meditation or body scan.

  • Morning light: Get outside between 6 am and 10 am for at least 20 minutes. Early sunlight tells your brain, “It’s a new day!” This regulates your circadian rhythm and helps you sleep better the next night.

  • Healthy breakfast: A nutrient-dense breakfast jumpstarts your body’s biochemical processes and solidifies your internal clock.


2. EXERCISE: Movement Feeds Your Brain

Our bodies were built to move. You don’t need to be a marathon runner (trust me, I’ve been there), but regular physical activity is a must for brain health. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, stimulating the production of new neurons and improving cognitive function.

The Science:

Exercise, particularly aerobic activity, has been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for learning and memory. It also reduces inflammation and stimulates the release of growth factors, which help brain cells thrive.

Practical Tips to Get Moving:

  • Move every day: Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity that gets your heart pumping. Walking, biking, yoga, or dancing – whatever brings you joy.

  • Posture check: Throughout the day, be mindful of your posture. Good posture allows for optimal brain-body connection.

  • Nature boost: Exercising outdoors in nature adds a calming element that benefits the mind. Even a walk in the park can reduce stress and boost cognitive function.


3. NUTRITION: The Brain is Hungry for Plants

Every single cell in your brain relies on the nutrients you feed it. In my practice, I always emphasize the power of plant-based foods. They are anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense, and provide the building blocks your brain needs to function at its best.

The Science:

Studies have shown that diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats (like those found in nuts and seeds) reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Processed foods, on the other hand, have been linked to increased inflammation, which can accelerate brain aging.

Practical Tips for Brain-Boosting Nutrition:

  • Ditch the processed foods: Avoid anything that’s packaged or heavily processed. These foods are often high in sugars and unhealthy fats, which promote inflammation.

  • Morning power juice: Start your day with a brain-boosting juice made from turmeric, ginger, cucumber, lemon, and pear. Add a few drops of ashwagandha tincture for added healing power.

  • Plant-based meals: Incorporate leafy greens, berries, and omega-3-rich foods (like flaxseeds and walnuts) into your diet. Your brain will thank you!


4. SUPPLEMENTATION: Plant Power for Neurons

Plants have been used for centuries to support health, and some are especially good for the brain. In my practice, I often recommend Boswellia and Rhodiola, among others, to help support cognitive function and reduce brain inflammation.

The Science:

  • Boswellia: This powerful herb has been shown to reduce inflammation, which is critical in preventing neurodegeneration.

  • Rhodiola: Rhodiola helps balance the brain's neurotransmitters, reducing the effects of glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter) and supporting overall brain function.

  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): NAC is a potent antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress, one of the main contributors to brain aging.

Practical Tips for Supplementation:

  • Boswellia and Rhodiola: Consider adding these herbs to your daily regimen. Boswellia can help reduce inflammation, while Rhodiola supports mood and mental clarity.

  • Consult a professional: Always consult with a healthcare provider before adding new supplements, especially if you are on medication.


5. MEDITATION: A Workout for Your Brain

Did you know that meditation can actually change the structure of your brain? Regular meditation has been shown to reduce brain atrophy (the shrinking of brain tissue that happens as we age) and increase gray matter in areas related to memory, focus, and emotional regulation.

The Science:

Multiple studies confirm that just 20 minutes of meditation a day can improve connectivity between brain cells, increase hippocampal volume (key for memory), and even slow down the natural aging process of the brain.

Practical Tips to Start Meditating:

  • Daily practice: Start with just 5-10 minutes a day. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Gradually work your way up to longer sessions.

  • Try guided meditation: Not sure where to begin? Download a meditation app or search for guided meditations online. They can help you get into the habit.

  • Stay consistent: Meditation is like a workout for your brain. The more you practice, the stronger your mind becomes.

Final Thoughts: Your Brain Deserves Care

As you move through life, remember that your brain is the center of it all. It governs your thoughts, memories, emotions, and dreams. Take care of it with the same attention you give your heart, your muscles, or your skin.

Start small, be consistent, and treat your brain with the respect it deserves. After all, who are we without it?

Our regenerative and longevity therapies and deep expertise can help take it a step further. See how we can help and reach out for an appointment »

Challenge: This week, I challenge you to pick one of the five pillars and commit to it for seven days. Whether it’s getting more sleep, eating more plants, or meditating for just 10 minutes, every small action counts. Your brain is waiting.

Seattle experts in treating complex health conditions, and pioneers in longevity therapies.

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