#25: Sarah Kruse

Ayurveda Fundamentals: A Fun & Simple Explanation Of The 5000 Year Old Original Personalized Genomic Medical System

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Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India and sets out recommendations for health from preconception to the final breath, covering preventative wellness, the daily life and deep disease treatment (including resolution of the Cell Danger Response). Learning Ayurveda can last the lifetime, but so much applicable wisdom is easily and simply available from the start. This episode features Sarah Kruse, Ayurvedic consultant and Panchakarma director (Ayurvedic detox). She discussed Ayurveda from the start- what it is and how it covers not just health and illness, but really how to establish swastha, meaning health as a way of being well-situated in self. She then covers the 3 main constitutional types in Ayurveda known in Sanskrit as vata, pitta and kapha and moves onto thinking about digestion and the gut which modern medicine is now confirming to be elemental to sustainable health. Ayurveda is the original personalized genomic medicine. Listen in to this episode with Sarah Kruse from Embrace-Ayurveda.com to get the basics- more to come on Ayurveda & Yoga (sister science) in upcoming episodes!

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Sarah Kruse is an Ayurvedic practitioner & massage therapist who assists clients to return to their true nature through Ayurvedic consultations & nurturing & rejuvenating bodywork. She graduated from the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, studying under Dr Vasant Lad & traveled extensively throughout India, studying with renowned Ayurvedic doctors & scholars. She is also a graduate of the Brenneke School of Massage in Seattle. She has chosen to work in the field of Ayurveda for the purpose of bringing healing & awareness to people’s lives so that they can realize their unique path & contribute their gifts to the world we live in.